m a l e 


 e r o g e n o u s   z o n e s   


h o m e  

 m e n s   s e x   o r g a n s 

e r o g e n o u s   z o n e s 


basic zones  

first things first -  

scalp and hair -  

 ears -  

lips -  

neck -  

arm pits -  

nipples -  

advanced zones  

inner tights -  

glans head of the penis -  

perineum (between legs) -  

scrotum (ball sack) -  

buttocks and anus -  

the prostate (milking) -  

more -  


   t e s t i c l e s 

  n i p p l e s 

  p e n i s 

  m a l e   a n u s 

  m a s t u r b a t i o n 

 o r g a s m 

g e n i t a l   h a i r 

  s a f e r   s e x  t i p s 

  M u s c l e b e a r Model 

  p h o t o g r a p h e r 

b e a r  m e n  l i n k s 

b e a r m a s t e r 






male erogenous zones nipples



male erogenous zones



arm pits male erogenous zones



male erogenous zones drive your man wild

Most men don't know much about their erogenous zones. If you want to learn more about your body and it's very sensitive parts you found the right site. 

Lean how to stimulate his erogenous parts and  drive your man wild. Stimulate his neck, chest, nipples, legs, arm pits, anus, scrotum, the penis and much more. There is a lot of interesting parts of a man's body to explore. Have fun with your partner!


  • bite his nipples

  • caress legs

  • lick his scrotum

  • masturbate the penis

  • explore his  anus

  • squeeze gently his testicles

  • massage his  prostate


so what are your erogenous zones? where are you very sensitive? Stimulation on what part of you body get's you aroused most?

The survey is totally anonym. Please give your realistic answers below. Multiple answers are possible seen that you might have more that one erogenous zone ;-)



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male erogeous zone ares  male erogeous zone neck  male erogeous zone butt  male erogeous zone nipples


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men erogenous zones